MTPAS Professional Extension Program Guidelines and Consent Contract Update 2023
The PEP program was developed to give gifted and talented dancers at MTPAS the opportunity to further their dance training. The PEP team will enter competitions; these are a valid form of stage experience and confidence boosters. The advancement of technique from the program may expose some dancers to further opportunities within the dance industry.
Dancers chosen to be part of the PEP program must understand its importance and practice at home is a necessity, especially daily stretching.
A positive and enthusiastic outlook on PEP and competitions extends to your child.
It is with understanding that being part of the PEP team that it should take priority before ALL other activities, events and associate programs that dancers may be involved with. Scheduling of rehearsals is extremely difficult and absences have a strong effect on the student missing as well as the other team members.
Dancers will be assessed formally once a year for their suitability for the program.
Mandatory weekly classes
It is advised that PEP students are enrolled in as many of the different classes that MTPAS offers as possible, the following are mandatory to be part of the extension program.
Level 1 dancers
Ballet and Modern classes
Gymnastics for dancers class
Optional - Zoom Stretch and Strength class with Samuel
Level 2 and 3 dancers
Ballet and Modern classes
Ballet Virtuoso and Pre-Pointe
Gymnastics or Advanced Tumbling
Zoom Stretch and Strength class with Samuel
We understand that the extra classes are extra, if there is a financial difficulty with this, please book a meeting with the principal for options.
Personal Training sessions with Sam are recommended, even on a one off basis. Dancers understanding of the mechanics of any movement is highly important.
Uniform and grooming
Dancers should wear the Black and Red Squad Dancewear tops with plain black shorts. (Please do not wear the NIKE Pro shorts or anything with a majorly visible branding or labels)
Black Lululemon leggings can be worn by level 3 dancers.
Underwear should not be seen.
Jewellery must be removed.
Hair must be in a bun and presentation should be neat and groomed at all times.
Dancers should have So Danca Canvas Turning shoes and black calf length socks. Level 2 and 3 Apolla shocks/ Bloch socks are recommended
Dancers need their own mat, yoga block and therabands.
PEP payment is £12 per session. This is paid across 12 months by standing order. 36 weeks of live training plus 2 weeks of summer homework.
Payment must made prior to commencing the classes.
There is a 10% discount for siblings.
Tuition will remain the same regardless of student absence.
Parents queries
If you need to speak to us, you can either;
Book a private for your child and come with them to speak at the start of your child's class
Book a meeting time with Myra or myself.
We ask that all communication between parents and staff is done on email or WhatsApp
Level 1 and 2 dancers will be given one sheet of class focused homework each term. This is optional but recommended for continued focus and development.
There will be summer classes for our competition team dancers held on zoom.
Courses and Outside classes
Older dancers in Level 2 and dancers in Level 3 are recommended to attend open classes, workshops, summer schools or open days to assist their development in new situation’s. We place high importance upon consistency of training that a dance studio can give you but also recognise the importance for additional elements. Please ask our advice for suitable courses and classes.
COMPETITION SHOWCASE - 15th October 23 at The Venue.
SYWTD - Milton Keynes 4/5 November 23
Destination Dance- Kent 18/19 November 23
Global Dance Open (Selected Dancers) 17/18 February. 24
Milton Keynes Festival of Dance- February 17-24, 2/4 March 24
Starpower - Kent 8/9 March 24
Destination Dance National Finals - (qualified dancers). 4/5 May 2024
Corby Festival of Dance – June 8/9 22/23 29th and 30th 24
REMINDER: Dancers are expected to stay and support all team dancers at these events.
All dancers require a MTPAS Team Jacket. Please let us know your sizes to order these. Adult Jackets are £60, Childrens jackets are £40
A positive atmosphere from all involved with cooperation between ALL parents is expected at competitions
United approach and good sportsmanship is appropriate in all competition cases.
Competition team must stay and support other members.
Dancers and parents should present a winning attitude whatever the outcome.
All dancers are expected to bring their comment sheets and reports to their next dance session at the studio for teachers to see.
Dancers will be expected to be ready to perform 90 minutes before their allotted performance time.
Music will be sent in the first private lesson. From then forward it is your dancers responsibility to have CD copies and a digital copy of their dances and bring them to their privates as well and competition. Dancers who turn up without music to private lesson will not run their dances.
A Team Captain will be nominated for each group, it will be there responsibility to have the music.
Behaviour at all times at competitions and events should represent MTPAS and its values. Any students or parents seen to be ill representing will be removed from the competition team. This includes social media.
Teachers who attend competitions are there as spectators and not as paid chaperones. It is important that your child is ready, dressed, hair done and prepared before parents sit in the audience, go out for drinks etc.
All entries are non refundable if you withdraw. Withdrawal from group dances will incur a personal payout to other group members.
Visiting intrepid activities 4 weeks prior to competition is strongly discouraged. E.g Bounce, Go Ape, Iceskating. DofE
Dancers in the PEP competition team will be expected to be available at all given competition dates, rehearsals and events. These will be within the normal term dates. The teachers will make every attempt to keep any extra rehearsals non term time rehearsals to a minimum. There will be times, however, when extra practices are scheduled. Dancers are expected to make every attempt to attend these practices
Auditions will be held throughout the year for dancers to be considered for competition pieces.
It is not set that a dancer with a current solo will receive a new one at any point nor continue placement within the competition team without reassessment.
24 Hour Rule - please refrain from making comments about placement at competitions until 24hours later.Photos are encouraged on the PEP what's app group for team spirit.
Private Lessons
Complete Spreadsheets highlighting the terms private lesson allocation will be emailed and accessible on the PEP Whats App Group
Payment needs to be made at the start of the session and not in bulk at the start of term.
Prices are £20 per 30min session. Duets, Trios etc. split £20 dependent on number.
Group Dance rehearsals are £1
Private lessons can be swapped if you are unable to make them with another team member.
No Show's or cancellations with less than 24 hours notice are liable for charge.
Hollywood booking for Self practice
A spreadsheet will be sent at the start of each term with Hollywood studio availability for self practice. This is free of charge.
Costumes and accessories.
Costumes will be obtained by MTPAS and invoiced accordingly.
Some Costumes will be hired from the costume cupboard, these are hired for the entirety season.(Sept-July)
Dancers will be required to purchase any accessories or footwear themselves.
It is the dancer’s responsibility to store and maintain all costumes.
Class and Changing room behaviour
Respect to all MTPAS faculty members is expected.
We will not tolerate any form of disrespect within classes.
Application of corrections that are given personally and generally will help you succeed.
Prompt arrival to class will make sure dancers are fully prepared.
Dancers are expected to have the correct attire and hair styles for classes
Dancers are part of a team and are expected to support, help, and work together with all of your peers. Each class may vary in ages, levels and abilities. Poor attitudes, poor conduct, or any unnecessary drama toward other students or instructors will not be tolerated within PEP or anywhere in the studio. These behaviours will result in warnings that could result in termination of PEP team placement.
Please refrain from bad behaviour, inappropriate language and messiness in the changing room between classes. There are many young students who look up to you as role models.
Social media
All pictures and videography of students in classes, at competition, at performances, must be cleared with studio management before posting on social media.
Always credit your choreographer.
Any photos and videography of competitions may be used as promotional material for both MTPAS and Rosina Andrews Limited.
MTPAS prides itself on a friendly, family atmosphere and highly dedicated team of staff. We have a strong sense of community amongst our students and families which in turn allows them each to reach their own full potential.
We are a disciplined, organised school who is respected worldwide for our training mantra. MTPAS studio space aims to provide a safe, fun, happy environment where our students can be encouraged, supported, motivated and inspired.
As parents of performers you are extremely important to our school. However, there is a difference between being a ‘Performer's Parent’ and a ‘Parent of a Performer’.
We encourage you all to be the ‘Parent of a Performer’. Someone who is wanting to give their child experiences to build character, self motivation, responsibility, reliability, punctuality as well as the technical specific training in their performing arts classes.
We hope you will support and encourage your child to follow the school ethos and respect fellow students and their teachers who in turn will have a heathy mutual respect for all students and parents.
As a 'Parent of a Performer' in our school we are not expecting you to have a degree or possibly any knowledge in dance, drama, singing or any other classes we have on offer. ‘Miss Myra’, our principal is very happy to answer questions via email or by booking an appointment with her in her office.
We like to educate parents to #trusttheprogram we offer and the progress of each individual student. Trust our decisions in selection of classes, being entered for exams, chosen for extension programs, show routines, auditions and why we may ask a student to completely rest.
We will always give corrections and expect students to develop moving forward with these corrections. Constructive criticism from a teacher, examiner, adjudicator or audition panel is invaluable experience, which gives the student a clear picture of where they are in relation to other performers, highlighting their strengths and weakness catalysing improvement.
Try not to fall into the trap of becoming the ‘Performer's Parent’ by questioning our choices. Forcing advancement by wanting your child to do more than they are capable has a number of disadvantages; higher injury rates, insecurity, burn out, immeasurable expectation and debilitation of the effect of teaching methods. Questioning can be interpreted as interrogation and challenging the teachers decision can be a very negative experience for all concerned. We welcome discussion as to 'Why' decisions have been made which is a much more beneficial and positive experience.
A parent who has a child who finds a passion and somewhere that nurtures their needs is very lucky. Performing arts training is able to offer children more than ever before.
We aim to make every class a positive experience.
Miss Myra and The Team x
I, the parent/guardian of the above named, have read the PEP Team of Conduct and understand all of the requirements in order for my dancer to continue team participation as well as the ramifications if this contract is broken. I also realise this is a team effort and I will be called upon to help in some way throughout the year with things that are within my capacity to help. I will make every effort to do my share of assisting on behalf of my dancer. I understand I am required to be present for parent meetings or have someone present on my behalf